[Kde-games-devel] palapeli: make puzzles as part of build

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at users.sourceforge.net
Wed Oct 21 02:28:20 CEST 2009

As previously mentioned, I don't think there should be an extra step to 
create the "built in" puzzles, and I'm not confident this is acceptable 
if palapeli is going to ship. I also don't see any particular reason to 
do it. Therefore I have prepared this patch to generate the "built in" 
puzzles as part of the normal build process.

This theoretically removes the necessity of the second half of Step 3 of 
the official build instructions, at least assuming the slicers can be 
found. (So this might fail to bootstrap. But I'm also not convinced 
something isn't broken that kbuildsycoca must be run manually. And even 
if it does, it's not impossible to make that part of the build process 

Obviously this is meant mainly for Stefan, but I'm posting here and to 
-buildsystem in case anyone else has comments.

Only downside is... I'm not sure if it works. The .puzzles from what I 
can tell built and installed okay, but when I try to start one, I'm 
getting an excessively zoomed background with no puzzle. However I'm 
getting that on other puzzles that I know were working, so I am thinking 
I might have a bad build.

(Oddly enough, 'delete' seems to work as expected now. Maybe it is only 
broken if the "built in" puzzles don't exist?)

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