[Kde-games-devel] granatier

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at users.sourceforge.net
Wed Oct 7 01:45:49 CEST 2009

Arturo Silva wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 12:36 PM, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
                                     (no <address> ^^)
Thanks :-).

>> Much nicer! Well, okay, I know the old ones were placeholder, but these do
>> look nice, and I don't imagine explosions are easy to draw in svg.
> hehe, that depends on how realistic you want the explosion.  If you
> want photorealistic, then yes it's pretty hard drawing explosions
> without being allowed to use Inkscape's Blur function.
> Here I sort of compromised, so the explosion looks neither realistic
> nor cartoony, but as close as I can get to 16-bit game console era
> explosions as possible without incurring the wrath of the SVG renderer
> (yeah, it gave me many problems with the explosion bloom).  :P

Indeed... I like the look though, IMO it's appropriate.

>> As a personal suggestion, I think they would look a touch better with the
>> end not so abrupt and a little more rounded. See attached. All I did was
>> change the linear gradient on the outline to a radial. (I also had to make
>> the more-yellow-orange go further out or else it got lost.)
> Poifect!  I like, it does give it a touch of refinement (if you can
> call an explosion "refined")!   ^__^
> I'll add it to the next updated sheet!

Thanks, glad you like it!

>> Anyway, more anti-bonus ideas:
>> - I like 'constantly lay bombs', or similarly, lay bombs randomly (and can't
>> control at all when to lay them at all)
> hehe, that one I like!  (maybe a little better than the laying bombs
> constantly, since I can see that being uber-irritating).  ><
> I guess I could call this one "bonus_slippery", although surprisingly
> I can't think of an icon for this one yet. ^^;

Honestly, I intended it as a different way for 'malfunction' to work... 
so the bug is still good.

>> - can't lay bombs for a time
> This I like too, and doesn't sound very costly to program. ^___^
> This one I would call "bonus_restrain", and show a pair of handcuffs. ^^


>> - can't stop moving until you hit a wall/bomb ;-) (ice skates?)
> This one doesn't sound to bad.  I'd go with just plain roller skates,
> and have it be called "bonus_skate".  ^^

Maybe, though I went specifically for ice for the 'can't stop' idea. I'm 
actually wondering if this is what the ice tile will do. (Some way of 
conveying 'no friction' would also work well.)

>> - move random direction on key press (drunk++)
> hehe, well this one might be just a tad redundant, though. ^^;
> But if it's chosen, I'd go with "bonus_confusion", and have a dunce
> cap as the icon.

Again, I meant this as replacing drunk. IMO just reversing the keys 
isn't very "drunk". Maybe that one could be 'mirror' instead. Icons 
could be a mirror (if you feel it sufficiently recognizable), a graphic 
of something being flipped, or even a yin-yang. Maybe a mirror-surface 
yin-yang with an arrow showing it being flipped :-D.

>> - teleport; get relocated to random open square
> Ah!  great one!  And a good escape measure (or curse, if it happens to
> teleport you in the range of an exploding bomb).

...or traps you ;-). See the teleport in killbots, very similar peril of 
use :-).

> That would be "bonus_teleport" for sure, and as an icon... hehe, maybe
> we can borrow the one from Killbots?  lol... ^^

Yes, since there does not exist a teleporter in real life, you're pretty 
well stuck inventing something. You could do a 'transporter' effect also 
(outline of player with sparkles around it).

> hehe, but given that now we've dreamed up a million and one ways for
> the players to clear the map of all blocks, I think it's more
> important than ever for the mason tool to be considered, since it
> would not only allow for continuous block-busting action, but it would
> also give the players at least a chance to acquire more bonus icons.

True. Actually now I am wondering about 'sudden death' mode also adding 
new blocks.

> And for an extra level of longevity, we can also add a
> "bonus_resurrect" icon (with a phoenix as the icon) which randomly
> revives a dead player (although it would only show up in games with
> more than two players).  Unless you're playing co-op, this is most
> definitely NOT a bonus [even though one would think it would be].  :P

Alternatively, it could be a real bonus; either resurrect a team mate, 
or if no team mate is dead, first one to die will resurrect somewhere 

Many flavors are possible... always friendly, always hostile, grant 
power to random player/team, resurrect last to die (or first to die if 
no one has died yet). Maybe some combination of the above...

Okay, enough making Mathais' life harder for now ;-).

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