[Kde-games-devel] does this solve the multiple resizing bug foryou?

Wolfgang Rohdewald wolfgang at rohdewald.de
Thu May 7 01:18:52 CEST 2009

On Donnerstag, 7. Mai 2009, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> QRect r = desktop->availableGeometry(desktop->screen(window));

so I took the default screen and you say I should take the actual screen
the window is on. I will fix that.
is there a difference between your code and availableGeometry(window)?
I cannot see any. Documentation says: "returns ... of the screen which contains

> as for the geometry of the window including the window decorations you can use 
> KWindowInfo::frameGeometry; note however, that if your window is maximized 
> that it's likely to be == to the widget geometry.

but a maximized window still has borders, so frameGeometry() should differ from
geometry(). It actually does if I test it here. Did you mean fullscreen? That
would be something I did not yet touch at all but will eventually have to for

about KWindowInfo: Just tried it. It returns the same values as
QWidget.geometry/frameGeometry, so these are the current values and not what I
would like to have: The values that the yet undecorated window will eventually get.
Some sort of crystal glass method. But anyway I think this detail is not important.

Of course I would also prefer a fix directly in K/QMainWondiw. If I start kmj
with the most complicated tiles and background and maximized and much more visible
tiles than I normally show, this makes a difference of 12 against 23 seconds:
One resizing against three of them. So for me this is not just academical.


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