[Kde-games-devel] New AI for bovo

Pelladi Gabor pelladigabor at gmail.com
Thu Mar 19 21:56:33 CET 2009

 > I'm currently leaning toward removing the choice from the UI, but
 > keeping it in the config entry and adding a command line switch to
 > select the AI when the game is launched. That way, advanced players
 > who care about the different AIs can switch them if they want, but the
 > interface remains clean and simple.

I understand your point, you see Bovo much like an average user will, and this 
is good. So based on what Aron and you have said, I suggest that there should be 
no GUI option for selecting AI, but the Kconfig XT entry should remain for 
"hardcore" players. My AI would be default in the game, but Aron's would play 
the demo and give hints.

I am going to prepare a patch for this early next week.


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