[Kde-games-devel] missing Egyptian art? ;-)

Wolfgang Rohdewald wolfgang at rohdewald.de
Wed Jun 24 22:05:59 CEST 2009

On Wednesday 24 June 2009, Parker Coates wrote:
> Then again, maybe having
> "HasDistinctFlowers" and "HasDistinctSeasons" is going to far.
> Anyway, I'm not a Mahjongg expert, but I just think if we come up with
> a scheme we should put enough thought into it now, so we don't end up
> having to update it every other release in the future.

well - for mah jongg solitaire everything seems imaginable. I can't speak
for that.

real mah jongg always has distinct flowers and seasons although those
tiles are not always used. And - as mentioned - in some countries
jokers are used.

this is a good description of the tiles:

They mention that some variants use even more than those eight
flower/season tiles, search on that page for Singapore sets.


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