[Kde-games-devel] missing Egyptian art? ;-)

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at users.sourceforge.net
Wed Jun 24 02:04:55 CEST 2009

Eugene Trounev wrote:
>> Correct me if I am wrong, but what is required is to be able to identify
>> "this is 5 wan, that is 6 bamboo, that is east wind", etc.?
> Well yes... the picture on the tile can tell you that. I hate numbers on 
> tiles.

True, *if* they are recognizable and easy to remember. Trying to 
remember that the tile with six dots on it is the six stone is very 
reasonable :-). Trying to remember what a 6 looks like in Chinese, 
well... is a little harder, but not absurd. (FWIW, I can identify the 
numbers in Bamboo, partly by knowing the glyphs but the coloring helps 
quite a bit.)

Trying to remember that Anubis is the 1 wan (repeat for 26 other glyphs 
with equally-obvious associations)... well, that's asking a bit much.

>> Maybe we should add something to tileset's .desktop?
> I've already offered that! I was first! I was, I was!!! Oh well... actually no 
> you were. Well whatever

Close enough to simultaneous ;-). Anyway, we agree; that's more 
important :-).

>>> BTW does anybody have a better proposal for the name kmj? krealmahjongg?
>>> kmahjongg4? I named it in analogy to xmj (which already has modes for
>>> playing against the computer or over the internet) but I don't really
>>> like it.
>> KWinds? (I've seen "game of the four winds" somewhere.) Though IMO "kmj"
>> is fine as the binary name.
> Oh please, please, please no Ks. The entire Open source world's laughing at 
> us, and that old Apple's paradigm must be finally retired.

As a person not laughing, I assert that your statement is false ;-).

I won't be offended if it doesn't have a 'K', I'm just offering 
suggestions. (Hey, and we both mentioned 'four winds'... how odd is that?)

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