[Kde-games-devel] missing Egyptian art? ;-)

Wolfgang Rohdewald wolfgang at rohdewald.de
Wed Jun 24 01:03:05 CEST 2009

On Wednesday 24 June 2009, Eugene Trounev wrote:
> > Also, the real Mahjong does not require numbers or letters on the
> > tiles - they are only there to make it easier for western players.
> > However the chinese symbols are required. kmj needs a way to
> > filter out unusable tilesets. It currently filters the alphabet
> > tileset by its name "alphabet". If you make the egyptian tileset
> > the default, kmj will have to define its own default.
> Why don't we add an additional line into .desktop files telling Kmahjongg, 
> KShiesen, and Your game if the tile-set is suitable, or non-suitable for the 
> current game.

something like


that would be a good solution, at least for me.

On Wednesday 24 June 2009, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
> Correct me if I am wrong, but what is required is to be able to identify 
> "this is 5 wan, that is 6 bamboo, that is east wind", etc.?

yes for the svg element identifier - but does not have to be visible on the tile.

> > BTW does anybody have a better proposal for the name kmj? krealmahjongg?
> > kmahjongg4?

On Wednesday 24 June 2009, Eugene Trounev wrote:
> Why won't we have an original name for once? For example one of my favorite 
> real mahjongg games for Win is called Four Winds (i'm sure you know of it). 
> So, how about Dragon Stones? Or The Game of Honors? Or something else like 
> that?

that sounds good - but rather long to put it like that into the window title.
KWinds proposed by Matthew seems better suited. Kdragons also seems like a
nice name, but maybe already taken:
I cannot find any current references to Kdragons, will ask the author.

On Wednesday 24 June 2009, Eugene Trounev wrote:
> > KWinds? (I've seen "game of the four winds" somewhere.) Though IMO "kmj"
> > is fine as the binary name.
> Oh please, please, please no Ks. The entire Open source world's laughing at 
> us, and that old Apple's paradigm must be finally retired.

but at least the risk is smaller that somebody already uses that name


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