[Kde-games-devel] Kapman gameplay issues

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at users.sourceforge.net
Wed Jan 21 18:33:50 CET 2009

Ian Wadham wrote:
> On Wed, 21 Jan 2009 08:26:10 am Matthew Woehlke wrote:
>> Sean wrote:
>>> 1. Having the player carry on moving until they hit a side is a issue I
>>> think, holding down the arrow keys to move how far you want would be
>>> better.
>> However, that's *not* how pacman games work. (Granted, this would
>> probably feel less "odd" if kapman had a proper 'turbo' mode ;-), but I
>> still don't think it should be changed.)
> Off topic but BTW, what is a 'turbo' mode in this context?

The player moves really fast :-). (Find a MAME copy some time and try it 
out. Or a real cabinet that has the 'turbo' DIP flipped on. Turbo mode 
is /soooo/ much better :-D.)

> Steve Mann, who recently contributed two new sets of levels to
> KGoldrunner, suggested something like Sean's point 1 for keyboard
> control in KGoldrunner, i.e. press a key, hero starts to run ... hold it down,
> hero continues to run ... release the key, hero stops.  At present
> (KDE 4.2 and before) you have to press another key to stop the hero.

For KGr, I would prefer that (it's how the Sierra version works, for 
one); you get much better control. For Kapman though, somehow it 
wouldn't seem "right" :-). Certainly *I* would feel dirty playing in 
that mode.

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