[Kde-games-devel] Kapman gameplay issues

Ian Wadham ianw2 at optusnet.com.au
Wed Jan 21 04:41:12 CET 2009

On Wed, 21 Jan 2009 08:26:10 am Matthew Woehlke wrote:
> Sean wrote:
> > 1. Having the player carry on moving until they hit a side is a issue I
> > think, holding down the arrow keys to move how far you want would be
> > better.
> However, that's *not* how pacman games work. (Granted, this would
> probably feel less "odd" if kapman had a proper 'turbo' mode ;-), but I
> still don't think it should be changed.)
Off topic but BTW, what is a 'turbo' mode in this context?

Steve Mann, who recently contributed two new sets of levels to
KGoldrunner, suggested something like Sean's point 1 for keyboard
control in KGoldrunner, i.e. press a key, hero starts to run ... hold it down,
hero continues to run ... release the key, hero stops.  At present
(KDE 4.2 and before) you have to press another key to stop the hero.

Having just figured out how to do this in Qt (reimplement QWidget::
keyPressEvent and keyReleaseEvent), I think I might give it a try
in KGoldrunner, taking care to keep track of changes to shortcut
settings (don't want complaints from users of non-US keyboards).
If it works out, maybe it could go into KGoldrunner as an option.

I am not terribly fussed about whether it will be true to how such
games traditionally work, though, Matthew.  I always used to use
a joystick back in the good old days ... :-)

Cheers, Ian W.
as long as 

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