[Kde-games-devel] Artwork Licensing and "Mountain Adventure"

Mauricio Piacentini piacentini at kde.org
Mon Jan 5 14:37:19 CET 2009

Ian Wadham wrote:
> Looks good to me, except that, for example, the alphabet.copyright file
> does not say (internally) for what artwork it is asserting copyright, i.e.
> what "This" refers to.  I suggest something along the lines of:
>     "Alphabet tileset copyright (C) 2007 ... etc."

Agreed. I just did this for the mountain.copyright one, listing the 
covered artwork files.
I also updated the authors and added a small 2-step animation to the 
hero, as well as the background to the maze, just in time for the 
freeze. We can still bug fix it, I think.

Mauricio Piacentini

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