[Kde-games-devel] QGraphicsView and fitInView

Pierre Maurier pierre.maurier at gadz.org
Fri Feb 20 19:34:09 CET 2009


I'm learning little by little to use the Qt Graphics View Framework.

I've got a little problem with fitInView :

I only have 1 QGraphicsItem in my QGraphicsScene (named gameScene) and I want 
to Zoom-in to see the QGraphicsItem in big, taking the whole QGraphicsView 
(named gameView).

The Bounding Rectangle is (approximately) [0, 0, 86, 86]
print self.gameScene.itemsBoundingRect() give me the right output :
PyQt4.QtCore.QRectF(0.0, 0.0, 85.999999999999986, 86.000000000000014)

But when I try that : 

I get something far from what I expected (The QGraphicsItem is very small and 
have a lot of blank space around).

What is wrong with my code ? Maybe I'm not using the right function... What 
should I use ?

I don't really know if I'm clear in my explanations...

Pierre Maurier

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