[Kde-games-devel] Regarding the latest messages about regressions...

Mathias Kraus k.hias at gmx.de
Tue Dec 15 01:00:12 CET 2009

Mauricio Piacentini schrieb am Montag 14 Dezember 2009:
> It seems to be related to sounds. I can reproduce it here: I have a
> plain system with both Qt and KDE compiled from source.

that's it. the problem seems to be QAudio.
the weird thing is, I just tried it with KDE SC 4.3.4 and Qt 4.6 final but 
couldn't reproduce it. with 4.4 beta1 and the same Qt version it is 100% 
reproducible. the only thing I could imagine would be differences between Qt 
Phonon and KDE Phonon, but as I don't use Phonon it shouldn't matter.

with "Play Sound" unchecked or with Gluon instead of QAudio there are no 
freezes. thanks for the hint, I will investigate it further tomorrow.

thank you very much for your help,

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