[Kde-games-devel] Adventures with Palapeli

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at users.sourceforge.net
Wed Dec 9 00:17:15 CET 2009

Ian Wadham wrote:
> On Tuesday 08 December 2009 7:48:10 am Stefan Majewsky wrote:
>> Now open the save file (the one with ".save" at the end). In the group
>> "SaveGame", you see key-value pairs of piece ID and some normalized
>>  position. Simply set the normalized position of most pieces to the same
>>  value, and they will appear connected when you launch the puzzle for the
>>  next time. Because it's already quite late, I'll leave it as an exercise
>>  to the reader to write a script that creates such a test-case save file.
> That worked brilliantly and I now have a test-case of a 1000-piece puzzle
> with about 800 pieces solved.  No need for a script ... just one "line editor"
> command in vi, :202,$ s/=.*$/=<X from line 201> <Y from line 201>/
> The slowness in fitting one piece is reproducible, as is a simpler case of
> slowness when just trying to drag the 800-odd pieces in the solved part.

This, at least (slowness dragging 800 pieces) isn't /horribly/ 
surprising, though... that gives me a thought; I wonder if the problem 
is Z ordering? Due to how the shadows work, does pala have to repaint 
all 800 pieces to join the 801'st?

Ian, if you are wanting to play around, I would look if there is Z-order 
changing that happens when joining pieces, and if yes, try turning it 
off. Hmm... but fixing this might take some doing, I'm not sure it's 
trivial to just fiddle with the Z order without introducing other glitches.

Please do not quote my e-mail address unobfuscated in message bodies.
Help! Someone let me off this crazy thing!

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