[Kde-games-devel] Adventures with Palapeli

Stefan Majewsky majewsky at gmx.net
Mon Dec 7 21:48:10 CET 2009

Am Montag, 7. Dezember 2009 12:12:48 schrieb Ian Wadham:
>   - Different mouse-pointer,

Sigh... if only QGraphicsView::cursor implemented its documented behavior 
correctly. If any Qt dev is listening, please fix Qt bug 5329.

> If you like, I can re-solve the 1000-piece puzzle and save it before it is
>  complete, as a test case, but it takes a few evenings to get that far ...
>  :-(

Sigh... That reminds me that I have a partly-solved 1000pcs puzzle laying on 
the floor of my apartment.

And you can generate a test-case very easily: Start to play the puzzle.  You 
will only need to move one piece around, that should create the save file at 
$KDEHOME/share/apps/palapeli/collection/$UUID.save, where $UUID is the ID of 
your puzzle. If you have multiple files with such a name, look in 
$KDEHOME/share/config/palapeli-libraryrc. The name of your puzzle should be in 
a "Name" key, somewhere, and the second part of the group name (modulo the 
brackets) is the puzzle ID. (The first part is always "Palapeli Collection".)

Now open the save file (the one with ".save" at the end). In the group 
"SaveGame", you see key-value pairs of piece ID and some normalized position. 
Simply set the normalized position of most pieces to the same value, and they 
will appear connected when you launch the puzzle for the next time. Because 
it's already quite late, I'll leave it as an exercise to the reader to write a 
script that creates such a test-case save file.

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