[Kde-games-devel] KGoldrunner update

Eugene Trounev eugene.trounev at gmail.com
Sun Apr 26 17:07:45 CEST 2009

> First of all, thanks very much, Eugene, for improving the third
> background in the Egyptian theme of KGoldrunner.
You are welcome
> KGr has just acquired an animated demo that runs at startup
> time or whenever you use the Demo action.
Great stuff. I've noticed, and you know it seems I enjoy watching Kgoldrunner 
played more then I enjoy playing it :P
> Also, I found that the new Curse of the Mummy game was not
> getting installed (an omission in CMakeLists.txt).  What!  And
> none of you noticed? ... ;-)
No I didn't :( sorry. But that's probably because I prefer the default game :)

A few things I wanted to point your attention to:
1) There really has to be an indicator of some sort to show the player where 
is the exit ladder. Some levels are constructed in such a way that after you 
collect all the items nothing changes it seems. Then you have to try and 
deduce which ladder is the right one. Maybe an arrow?
2) Somehow it seems like some animation's got broken for my Egyptian theme 
where not all the animation frames are used.
3) If I was to start playing the game immediately after demo the level would 
come out blank, as in nothing but a background. The only way around it is to 
disable the demo mode altogether and restart the game.
4) I've noticed you've introduced a stand-still mode for characters, but 
you're currently using a frame from fall animation for that one. how about I 
make a dedicated stand-still frame(s) instead? Just tell me the specs.
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