[Kde-games-devel] KsirK and Jabber

Kleag kleag at free.fr
Sun Sep 14 09:43:43 CEST 2008


The Jabber enabled version of KsirK is now Jabber-only: it uses no more a 
standard TCP/IP connexion after the initial handshake. Everything goes through 
Jabber. It was very easy to do so by just reimplementing KMessageIO, a 
libkdegames/kgame class. The new class just encodes the content of the 
KGameMessage in base 64 and encapsulate it as the body of a Jabber message.

I'd like to thank Olivier Goffart, the kopete jabber plugin developper for his 
help in transforming my inital idea in implementation plan.

The current version works with my local ejjaberd server but not with the 
kdetalk.net one. Also, there is performance problems in the initialization 
phase where a lot of messages are sent. But I will work on that.

When everything will be in line, I think that the Jabber classes could be 
useful in libkdegames/kgame. What do you think ?

Also, I wonder if I should keep the possibility to do TCP/IP games ? I suppose 
it could be useful for local network games. But will it be used ?


KsirK - a world domination strategy game 

KGraphViewer - a GraphViz dot graphs viewer

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