[Kde-games-devel] Card deck library

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at users.sourceforge.net
Thu Oct 30 17:13:54 CET 2008

Eugene Trounev wrote:
> You may have noticed that I have restructured the libkdegames/carddecks 
> directory in an effort to make it more contributor friendly. Now, if you fire 
> up kpat, or lskat you will notice a lot more card backs available by default + 
> all the SVG themes now do associate correctly with their respective backs. As 
> if this wasn't enough I have also written a small how-to for the future 
> contributors, and placed it into the carddecks root dir.
> It is now up to you to test drive the new setup. Please do so ASAP, and send 
> me your comments.

Oops, so you probably broke the deck I'm sitting on? :-)

On that note, I don't think anyone told me what I'm supposed to do with 
proposed new decks. I don't want to just commit it when no one else has 
seen it, of course :-), but what should I do?

(This is the oxygen-but-all-suits-subtly-different-colors deck I 
mentioned previously.)

Also, I was thinking about making SVG's of some of the old PNG backs, I 
presume the license permits that? What would be the best way to get that 
contributed back if I do?

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This was, apparently, beyond her ken.  So far beyond her ken that she 
was well into barbie territory. -- J. D. Baldwin (from cluefire.net)

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