[Kde-games-devel] Kolf rewrite (includes important design question even for non-coders)

Karl Ove Hufthammer karl at huftis.org
Fri Nov 21 11:42:50 CET 2008

Matthew Woehlke:

> I must admit, I also wondered about ditching the 2D model entirely and
> going 3D with OpenGL. (Besides that anything that works in 3D isn't
> terribly complicated to push back down into 2D; you could make both
> modes an option, or even have separate versions that share courses.)

No need to create a new Neverputt; we already have one …

What could be done, and actually not be much more complicated than the
current 2D view, is an ‘isometric’ projection, which does not require a
graphics card, and therefore can use ordinary SVG files:


Some examples of golf games using this technique:


Karl Ove Hufthammer

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