[Kde-games-devel] Card deck library

Karl Ove Hufthammer karl at huftis.org
Thu Nov 6 11:55:13 CET 2008

Matthew Woehlke:

>> You should make a screen shot of you playing the Deck with KPAT and post
>> it here :P
> Meh, so haaaard :-). Okay, but only because the screenshot is smaller
> than the theme itself ;-).

I like the overall look of it very much, but the colours are 'wrong'. Clubs
should be green, and spades should be black¹. (This also more logical, as
clovers are green and spades are often black in real life.)

Also, I think the hearts should look more red (perhaps pure red?). Now they
look too much like the diamonds.

Lastly, the top part of the green cards look almost black. Since it's the
top part that is shown when the cards are not in the front, this is a
problem. I think it's better to flip the gradient, so that the cards are
lightest at the top (which is also more in line with the custom that the
light comes from the top left).

¹ See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four-color_deck

Karl Ove Hufthammer

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