[Kde-games-devel] KDiamond patch for checking board playability

Paul B happysmileman at googlemail.com
Fri May 30 01:17:15 CEST 2008

On Thursday 29 May 2008 21:12:44 Stefan Majewsky wrote:
> Despite from not having tested it, the patch looks very good.
> However, there are two points I would like to raise:
> 1. If at all, I would only include a full implementation, i.e.
> including the number of possible moves, and the hint button.
> (Perhaps also an undo button, but I'm not sure how the difficulty
> will be affected by this.)

Have patch now that shows the full amount of moves remaining in 
statusbar, and has hint button that selects the diamond needed to 
make combo, by setting m_selection1, m_selection1x and m_selection1y, 
then running m_selection1->show().

An undo button seems to me like it'd be unrelated to the features I've 
added in (whereas the moves remaining, hint button and checking if 
the game is playable were mostly done with the same function.)
I could of course work on it as well, but right now I'm not sure how 
I'd do it, I have a couple of ideas of ways to do it, but they all 
seem inefficient or overly-complicated for what doesn't seem that 
hard a task.

If you think that I'm doing this badly or think I could improve it 
please tell me, I'm doing this to practise my C++ and knowledge of 
KDE and Qt as well as trying to improve the game.
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