[Kde-games-devel] Game introduction: Nonogram

Tom Vollerthun Vollerthun at gmx.de
Wed May 14 08:43:52 CEST 2008

Hi Ian,

I'm glad you pointed out the problems with tar-files. I think I will go back to subdirectories with plain files. But that _will_ result in one file per level, since I (currently) use image files (p.e. xbm) as game data. I don't really care about that, but since you said I wouldn't want it: what's the downside of having three hundret small files instead of one large (except of using more I-Nodes in the file system and causing a small amount of fragmentation) ?

> Have a look at the tutorials on internationalization (i18n) and
> localization (l10n) in KDE's Techbase

In the example at:
I can't see, where the correct locale is determined. In line 1 there's already a "languageCode" given, but where does it come from?

> "Scripty" can extract strings for translation, but
> only if they have some standard tag, such as Name=.  This what many
> KDE games now use for holding meta-data about graphics themes.
It seems as if /kdesdk/scripts/extractattr is able to extract strings from generic xml-files as long as it's given the complete XPATH via --attr. So an xml-file seems feasible.

It seems to me as if all these scripts and exctraction tools exist simply to provide a .pot-file which then can be translated. Wouldn't it be easier to have the descriptions directly in a pot-file and simply load the approbriate .po (plus the .pot as default) at runtime?

Kind regards,
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