[Kde-games-devel] Puzzle game for KDE

Stefan Majewsky majewsky at gmx.net
Thu Mar 20 21:30:03 CET 2008

Am Donnerstag, 20. März 2008 20:25:27 schrieb Ian Wadham:
> How will the "sawing" of the pieces be done?  Regular pattern?  Slightly
> randomized pattern, etc.?  It would be a nice feature for people to be
> able to take any picture, choose a number of pieces and a pattern
> difficulty, then "saw" the picture up into their own puzzle pieces.

That is what we are planning. The "New Game" dialog will contain a 
KUrlRequester for the source image and two sliders for the X and Y number of 
pieces; after everything is configured, the puzzle parts are generated using 
precompiled masks which are combined with the base image using QPainter's 
composition modes for QImages. As this process can take some time for big 
images or many pieces, I could also imagine some type of precompiled game 
where all pieces are stored in an archive.

If you mean with "regular pattern" that each piece has the same width and 
height, that is what we're thinking of (makes internal object management 


P.S. Thanks for the "jigsaw" hint. In Germany, a "Puzzle" is what is a jigsaw 
puzzle in English, while a puzzle game is generically called "Rätsel" (comes 
from "raten" which means "to guess").

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