[Kde-games-devel] Sounds

John-Paul Stanford jp at stanwood.org.uk
Thu Jul 10 22:19:20 CEST 2008


I added a sound to the bomber. It worked well. I found it on
www.freesound.org were they are all licensed under the "Creative Commons"
license. Just wondering if
this is ok for KDE games?

If anyone fancies creating any more sounds for bomber, I'd love to add them
to the game. I'm thinking about the whine of a bomb falling from the plane,
the rumble of a plane flying and maybe 
an air raid siren at the start of each level.


From: Eugene Trounev [mailto:eugene.trounev at gmail.com] 
Sent: 09 July 2008 09:33 PM
To: KDE games development
Subject: [Kde-games-devel] Sounds

Hi guys. In case you haven't noticed I have commited some sound files for a
few games. More to follow. They aren't exactly the TOP quality, but I have
spent a lot of time making those, so they aren't bad at all either. Games
need voice, othervise they suck :/ So let's get on it and maybe even add
sound by 4.2 (*wishfully*). And if Phonon doesn't cut it for games we
caould: a) bug phonon devs to death; b) switch to something better;

Best wishes,


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