[Kde-games-devel] [PATCH] extract statics from KCardDialog

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Sat Jan 12 12:17:44 CET 2008


the attached patch moves the static methods from KCardDialog into a
separate namespace, which IMHO makes more sense as retrieving
information about card decks is not bound to the dialog.

Also it replaces the static bool with a K_GLOBAL_STATIC so the
constructor of the static deck data is called properly on first use and
destroyed during shutdown of the app.

Another thing that it does is separating png and svg deck informations
into separate maps so a couple of loops are avoided.

Adapting of the card games in kdegames will be done by me before
comitting this to trunk/ and comitting will probably also after we've
done a final decision and commit about the caching as that influences
the code in here.



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