[Kde-games-devel] Unify pixmap caching across card games

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Sun Jan 6 11:57:05 CET 2008


I've started to work on unifying the pixmap caching across card games,
currently that involves kpat and lskat which are in kdegames presently.

I'm planning to use KPixmapCache behind the scenes instead of any custom
caching method for the pre-rendered SVG's. For this to work well across
all card games I've created a new class CardCache in libkdegames and I'd
like to have a discussion about the API.

The attached file contains the header of this class including api dox,
so please have a look and send your comments.


PS: I don't have the implementation done yet, but basically it'll move
the KStandardDirs::locate stuff into the cache and then use
KPixmapCache::loadfromFile or loadFromSVG which does all the caching
behind the scenes. It'll also do in-memory-caching of the pixmaps.

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