[Kde-games-devel] kdegames maintainers list

Stefan Majewsky majewsky at gmx.net
Mon Dec 1 14:04:47 CET 2008

As discussed during the last IRC meeting, I sent an update request for the 
maintainer list on Techbase to all listed game maintainers. FYI the mail text 
is attached at the bottom.

I also synced the list with SVN and found that the following games are 
* bomber
* kapman
* kblocks
* kbreakout
* killbots
* kollision
If you are maintaining one of those games, please enter your contact 
information at http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/Games/Maintainers.


Stefan Majewsky wrote (to listed maintainers):
> Hello kdegames developers,
> during the last IRC meeting, it was decided that the maintainers' list at 
> [1] should now be actively maintained. You are receiving this mail because
> you are listed as maintainer of one or more games on [1]. I'm kindly asking
> you to report on this list whether you are still able to maintain these
> games. This does not happen because of a growing number of unmaintained
> games, but for the interest of high-quality applications in the kdegames
> module, and to get an overview of the current maintenance situation.
> This is what I would like you to do:
> - If you are still maintaining the games mentioned in [1], put the current
> date in the "Last update" column for each game. (If you're not familiar with
> wiki markup, send a mail back to me with a list of all games you are
> maintaining, to let me do this job for you.)
> - If you cannot afford the time to maintain one of your games, please send a
> mail to kde-games-devel at kde.org to inform the team about your resignment.
> - If you passed maintenance of your game to another developer, please
> forward this mail to him or her.
> Thank you for your help.
> [1] http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/Games/Maintainers

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