[Kde-games-devel] Sound in kdegames?

Mauricio Piacentini piacentini at kde.org
Mon Aug 18 14:24:43 CEST 2008

Mauricio Piacentini wrote:
> But if you can help revert this course, I am all for helping get this 
> right. What would you suggest, Aaron? What are the channels and people 
> we can use to get this rolling?

Looking quickly at Phonon docs, it seems like it should be possible to 
at least devise our own simple classes for loading uncompressed sounds 
and mixing them, and push a single, continuous stream to the backend. 
This would be a class implementing


If it works, we could have an utility class (in libkdegames, or maybe in 
the future pushed to Phonon) that basically loads and stores small sound 
samples and have a simple interface to play them. This class would keep 
a constant stream running that will be routed to the current backend, so 
as far as the Phonon backend is concerned it would be simply playing a 
long sound stream with no known length.

I do not see controls for specifying the maximum size of the buffer that 
gets called when the backend needs more data, so we could still have 
some latency issues, but at least we sould be using the backends already 
written, and hooking up into the existing Phonon infrastructure. Any 

Also, where in SVN is Phonon development happening these days?

Mauricio Piacentini

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