[Kde-games-devel] kdegames lib (was Re: KDE Games Report from Akademy 2008)

Mauricio Piacentini piacentini at kde.org
Mon Aug 18 13:59:36 CEST 2008

Josef Spillner wrote:
> I like the idea of creating a kdegameslibs module, although I wonder how this 
> might increasingly complicate the installation process if the global module 
> order becomes more important and more *-libs modules are being created.

Notice that other applications in KDE Edu are also starting to use 
libkdegames code, like KGameThemeSelector in Parley. Blinken also can 
use both the highscores and the theme selector. One could argue that we 
could move it to kdegames, but at this point I think there is enough 
clients to justify the creation of a kdegameslib module as we planned. 
Moving to kdelibs is probably something we do not want to do, to keep it 
  as lean as possible.

One thing I considered is maybe (for 4.2) splitting the portions of the 
KGame* classes code from the main likdegames one. So the new and shared 
kdegameslib would contain the utility classes that are mostly GUI 
related, like KGameTheme (and Selector), KGameClock, KScoreDialog, etc.

Mauricio Piacentini

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