[Kde-games-devel] Bomberman

Karl Ove Hufthammer karl at huftis.org
Tue Aug 12 16:50:11 CEST 2008

[Note: Crossposted to both KDE Games and KDE accessibility lists.]

Richard Hartmann:

>> I thought this was the official palette:
>> But there is also an official Oxygen palette:
> That is what I meant. Afaik, there are several, now. As I said,
> I don't think game sprites are bound by any palette unless they
> try to blend in with a specific theme anyway, though.

But shouldn’t the default theme of kdegames games preferably at 
least try to blend in with the the default theme of KDE (similar 
to the way they try blend in with other official KDE apps, e.g., 
menu and dialogue design)?

> Another thought:
> If there is a Oxygen and a Plastik theme for KDE 4.2 and a
> Oxygen and a Plastik theme for KGreatGame and the user did
> _not_ specify a preferred theme, shouldn't the game theme
> switch over when the KDE theme is changed from Oxygen to
> Plastik?

Yes, I very much think so. This would be even more important 
for themes such as the high-contrast/B&W theme, which is meant 
to be used for visually impaired users. If the user uses this 
theme, I think both colours, icons and artwork in games should
use a similar high-contrast/simple/B&W look.

Though, IMHO, there really should be a wizard for this type 
of stuff in kdeaccessibility, that let’s the user by clicking a single
button (or using checkboxes) switch to ‘visually impaired’ versions of both
colours, icons, plasma themes, emoticons, games artwork &c., without having
to hunt through various settings in System Settings and configuration
dialogues in individual apps.

I’m crossposting this to the KDE accessibility list, to see what 
they think.

Karl Ove Hufthammer

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