[Kde-games-devel] Kmines

Ethan Anderson ethana2 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 1 21:06:20 CEST 2008

>> --multiple mines per space.  This really takes the game logic up a
>> notch, and theoretically only requires subtle code modification and
>> some new art.

>Wouldn't this reduce the game to mostly guessing?

No it does not.  These aren't new ideas.  If you want to see how they work,
go find minesweeper pro or crazymines and try to run them in WINE.

>I find 'I'm not sure' flag useful. Sometimes I *know* that there's a mine
>under either one field or its neighbour, but not which one (yet), so I mark
>both of them with a question mark, and then come back to them later.

Sometimes I know there's a mine under either this space and the one two up
and one over and this other space across the board and the one two below it
/or/  first said space and the one two up and the one across and the one
below the one across the board and----
...'im not sure' flags complicate it.
Think of it as a memory test.  Goodness knows with only one mine per space
there's got to be /some/ intellectual benefit to playing ;)

>I could start a religious war here, but I won't :-).
Oh, I'm right with you on the religion, I just don't want to mess with
recognition software that doesn't work to two to three nines of accuracy
without extensive training.

>I wholeheartedly agree. I even think the default should be only winnable
>games (i.e., winnable without guessing). I would like the game more if I
>knew that it *is* possible to solve without guessing – that it's only me
>being stupid … ;-)

That's part of the reason I like linux.  It doesn't hate me, I just screw
with the wrong config files.  All my fault.  It's comforting because i know
if i just leave everything well enough alone, it won't explode.  I like as
much of life to be like that as possible.
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