[Kde-games-devel] Kmines

Ethan Anderson ethana2 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 1 03:48:34 CEST 2008

Greetings all of you fine people, I'm a minesweeper fan here to ask
about the following things:

--to clear adjacent spaces to one around which all mines have been
flagged requires middle clicking in KDE4 Kmines.  You only need two
input signals to play minesweeper.  To see a proper implementation of
the control model, see gnome-mines
--multiple mines per space.  This really takes the game logic up a
notch, and theoretically only requires subtle code modification and
some new art.
--the interesting challenge that is variable geometry.  I hear this is
under consideration but as it requires a rather different programming
model for the game logic it may take a while..  It's going to be
awesome to see but I'm not really in a hurry.

I also have some theme ideas and may be able to provide some art themes, such as
--nuclear  for 1 mine per space configs
--biohazard  for 1 mine per space configs
--Windows  for 1 to 3 mine per space configs

I once tried to get into hacking gnome-mines but that code was scary
as heck-- I would think KDE would be a bit cleaner with QT and C++...
but I'm not very far along, so if I actually touched the code I'd
probably need help every single step of the way..

Before I hit 'send', I'll just note that kmines seems to perform a
good deal faster than gnome mines for rendering, and I think that's
awesome :)
...and in conclusion, mainly what I'm looking for here is kind of a
philosophy/roadmap/needs summary to see how I fit into all this..

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