[Kde-games-devel] New KdeGames website content help needed. (details inside)

Emil Sedgh emilsedgh at gmail.com
Mon Sep 10 10:34:09 CEST 2007

Thanks people.If you give the  information, I'll update the site soon, and 
then, we have time to do new-and-fun things.
The current site isnt usefull anymore, the Capacity (KDE's Websites framework) 
is changed a lot but our website is not changed with that.
So I created the new site locally from nothing (which wasnt so big)

the structure of the site will like this:
Games will be categorized in genres (like the old site, Board, Arcade, etc)
Every Genre will have a list of the games (with one screenshot of the game and 
a very little description on it (about one line) )
Every game will have a page that includes the Game Icon, Authors and 
Contributors List, License and screenshots that you give to me

another thing that we need to talk about is the current site, in the last 
thread on website, people wanted the current information to stay.so I suggest 
that we move it to /old and a link from menu to it.is that enough or you want 
that we merge information of two sites?

and, im emilsedgh  gmail com, waiting for your game's information :)

sorry for my bad English

p.s:I sent an email to the current maintainer of the games site to ask about 
permission to change the site (to be polite) but i didnt get any answer.

On Do shanbe 19 Shahrivar 1386 05:58:48 Eugene Trounev wrote:
> Dear KDEGames members,
> As you already know our website is being reworked by our own Emil Sedgh and
> will soon be up and shining in all of it's KDEGameish glory! But before
> this can happen we need your help.
> Well, I need your help here... And not from all of you actually... :) but
> rather from the developers of the following games:
> 1) Kspaceduel
> 2) Ksquares
> 3) Ksudoku
> 4) Kpatience
> 5) Lieutnant Skat
> You see, while Emil is hard at work updating the site's look and feel, I'm
> hard at work providing him with updated website content. Including, but not
> limited to: a short game description; a short game how-to; a game
> screenshot(s). Each game will have this three bits of info to begin with,
> and more content to follow.
> Now, being a part of the team for quite a some time I have mastered almost
> all of the existing games to the point where I now exactly what I'm doing.
> But not all of them unfortunately. Thus, the above mentioned games lack
> some parts of the content (not screenshots obviously ;) )
> Namely:
> 1) Kspaceduel -  a short game description; a short game how-to; (no idea
> how to play this)
> 2) Ksquares -  a short game description; a short game how-to; (same as
> above) 3) Ksudoku -  a short game how-to; (never played sudoku)
> 4) Kpatience -  a short game how-to; (way too many games to describe does
> anyone have a description for each type?)
> 5) Lieutnant Skat -  a short game how-to;
> Now, I am aware that current kdegames homepage has a short description for
> every game already, BUT I found the most of them insufficient, if not
> puzzling.
> All the game author has to do really is to describe in his/her own words
> how the game is to be played. I'll do the rest.
> Thanks,
> Eugene
> [it-s]
> P.S.: All the other games are fine, thank you very much.
> P.P.S.: Sorry for a lengthy email. :)
> P.P.P.S.: Emil, pleas provide me with your own email where to send the
> readied document along with the screenshots. Many thanks.
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