[Kde-games-devel] Bugs (showstoppers?) in KGoldrunner

Luciano Montanaro mikelima at gmail.com
Wed Nov 28 19:26:38 CET 2007

Hi all, 
Again, I've been trying KGoldrunner, mostly with the intent of improving the 
startup dialog.

However, I find that kgoldrunner crashes on startup on my development laptop.
It seems to work on the desktop, when I installed the packages, however I 
can't see why.


  if (success && (resizeCount > 0)) { // If startup, do not render or paint.

line in kgrcanvas.cpp, changeTheme function seem to be the responsible for 
this. If I remove the resizeCount check, the program starts up and works 

I tried tracking the bug, by adding debug statements and Q_ASSERT, but could 
not find a clean solution.

The problem is that in the kgrplayground setTile() method, the m_tileset seem 
to be null, and the m_tileSprites list seem to be empty, so the 
drawTheScene() method in kgrcanvas should really be called before the game 
initialization proceeds.

The other problem is less critical, but annoying. Many keyboard shortcuts do 
not seem to work for me. The Esc or p keys do not, for sure, but there are 

Fortunately the digging and movement shortcuts work, at least.

So, first, am I the only one that has these problems? My laptop uses a 64-bit 
distribution, if that's relevant.

Second, what should we do about that? Removing the check makes the game work, 
but with a bit of ugliness at startup.


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