[Kde-games-devel] Theming suport

Mark A. Taff marktaff at comcast.net
Thu Mar 15 18:37:01 CET 2007

On Thursday 15 March 2007 09:07:34 Branan Riley wrote:
> * All KDE games should be themable eventually, but not necessarily for
> KDE4.0 

I would submit that all games that make the KDE4 cut (as opposed to games 
ready for KDE4.x.x) Should have themeing support built-in, even if only one 
theme is provided.

A market for for my ficticious game, ktaffgame, themes won't develop on 
kde-look if ktaffgame isn't able to use them.  So, let's at least empower the 
end-users, third parties, etc, even if we don't have time to make as many 
themes as we would like prior to KDE 4.

I haven't gotten into it personally, but it seems trivial to me (yeah, famous 
last words) to build in themeing support when all we are talking about is 
spec'ing an svg file, especially if we have a common selection widget for the 
config dialog.

As for backgrounds, I think they should all be svg as well, except when there 
are compelling reasons for using a raster image for a particular background.



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