[Kde-games-devel] Theming suport

Mauricio Piacentini mauricio at tabuleiro.com
Wed Mar 14 16:14:55 CET 2007

Tomasz Boczkowski wrote:
>   Most of KDE4 games will support themes. I am wondering how to provide
> theme selection for user. Do we need a common "theme" dialog in
> libkdegames or each game should have it's own?

I think a common dialog is needed. In KMahjongg for example I have the 
initial work for a shared KConfigDialog that lets you select tiles 
(launch Kmahjongg and select the CONFIGURE KMAHJONGG menu option to see 
it.) This class is already in a shared library (libkmahjongg), as it 
will be implemented in KShisen. It is not too difficult to change it so 
that it specifies a theme instead of just the tileset portion of it.

I can adapt a class like this with not much effort and have it in 
libkdegames, as I would do something similar for KMines anyway. In this 
case, each game will have to implement a standard KConfigXT property 
name to specify the .desktop file that contains meta-information about 
the theme, and will deal with the theme as a standard config option. I 
think it is doable, maybe I can try to implement it first in KMines 
(using the experience I gained with this shared tiles config dialog) and 
then others can fix it and improve it.

Mauricio Piacentini

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