[Kde-games-devel] QGraphicsScene performance

Jeremy Wick jwickers at gmail.com
Fri Jun 29 07:17:54 CEST 2007

I am thinking maybe you could make your code available somewhere, if
there is something you are missing somebody more experienced will
point it out.

Myself i would like to see.

Also i wonder if "scalable" really is good idea for "arcade" games.
First these games are best played fullscreen, and i wonder what would
be the performance on a 1600 pix or more display (not uncommon on
newer configurations), the pixmaps would be huge.
Note that i don't mean scalability could not be used, on the contrary
it is a good way to provide sprites that adapt low and high
resolutions. But there the steps are well defined.

Second performance greatly affects gameplay, especially on a breakout
game. GFX are sound are also important added value.

If think that if i were to make a breakout game nowadays i would go OpenGL.

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