[Kde-games-devel] QGraphicsScene performance

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at users.sourceforge.net
Fri Jun 29 06:02:35 CEST 2007

Fela Winkelmolen wrote:
> I just did a small test with a QGraphicsScene with a few balls bouncing 
> around, I noticed that with about 10 balls it starts becoming slow on my 
> system (using 100% of my cpu)

(Note: Fela, this is not directed at you ;-).)
Granted, I don't have any firsthand experience with this stuff, but that 
seems... surprising. Ten years ago we had games with multi-parallax 
backgrounds and dozens, if not hundreds, of sprites (ok, granted this 
was in 320x200 resolution)... and now ten wimpy sprites are bringing 
computers to their knees?

I'm with Jeremy; what am I missing here?

> At the end I thing I will just use QGraphicsScene for KBreakout, after all I 
> don't think there is need to have more than two balls at a time very ofter 
> and a few bonus objects falling down.

You haven't played Electranoid, have you? :-) It is my secret desire to 
let you do the first part of a KDE port of that ;-) (also since I 
currently don't have the resources to delve into games on KDE). Ten 
moving objects would not be unusual at all for that.

(sorry, .sig file is on the other computer)

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