[Kde-games-devel] First wishes for KGamePopupItem

Dmitry Suzdalev dimsuz at gmail.com
Mon Jun 25 22:28:45 CEST 2007

On Tuesday 26 June 2007 00:05, Kleag wrote:
> Anybody used the Qt styles ? If not, I'll experiment with that.
I'll make KGamePopupItem use KColorScheme::background(),decoration() and 
foreground() by default as Matthew suggests and provide functions to 
customise these colors per item's user wish.

Btw, Matthew, did I get it right that decoration() should be used for e.g. 
setting pen color for drawing rectangular border of item in this case?
Or should I just use Qt::black as it'll look well in any case I think.

> Yes, sorry, I often paste quicker than I think...
> svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/playground/games/ksirk/ksirk/MessageBu
> svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/playground/games/ksirk/ksirk/MessageBu
Ok, I'll take a look, thanks.

> For me, it's beginner help, a sort of as-you-play tutorial, so I sometimes
>  have to display a little bit more than one line.
> But, I already read that you are now convinced :-)
Moreover it's already in svn. The API wasn't touched - what changes from user 
POV is that showMessage() now respects html tags.

While writing this I suddenly understood that I forgot to 
provide "linkClicked" signal(s). Wait for this to come soon :)

> Yes, it could be an option. Do like you prefer, I have no definitive
> opinion here.
Well, I just added support for rich-text to KGamePopupItem. No split.

> Well, here it was more a feeling: I feel the (i) icon not very funny for a
>  game. So, I thinked that one could want to customize it to be aligned with
>  their game skin. In my case, it could be a cannon sprite, for example.
Sounds reasonable. I think, I'll provide a method for setting custom QPixmap.
I chose (I) icon because it suited my needs at the time of development - I 
wanted to display info message to the player ;)


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