[Kde-games-devel] KGomoku

Johannes Bergmeier Johannes.Bergmeier at gmx.net
Sun Jun 24 00:16:52 CEST 2007

On Saturday 23 June 2007, Pelladi Gabor wrote:
> I downloaded bovo from svn, but could not compile it, because cmake 
> says: Unknown CMake command "kde4_automoc". I'm new to kde4 and cmake, 
> sure I missed something.
you need to build it as part of kdegames. as i don't know how experienced you 
are with svn, i write all instructions in detaildown here:

$ svn co -N svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/KDE/kdegames kdegames
$ cd kdegames
$ svn up bovo

svn co will download only files but no subdirs when called with the -N option.
now build the kdegames dir::

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make

this way everything should work.

cheers, Josel

> But I looked at the screenshots and the source, and bono is a very 
> promising game to be my favourite (I love gomoku). My AI is fairly 
> strong, far better than myself. It implements alpha-beta pruning, 
> hashing, and strong heuristics to evaluate a position and to suggest 
> good next possible moves for the search. You can integrate this AI into 
> bono if you wish.
> Because this AI was written to battle on a network against others, it 
> lacks support of playing with both players (demo mode), board size is 
> hardcoded, and no support for taking back a move. I plan to add these. 
> The source also needs some more comments.

Johannes Bergmeier
Johannes.Bergmeier at gmx.net
Jabber: joselb at jabber.org

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