[Kde-games-devel] Size grips

Ian Wadham ianw2 at optusnet.com.au
Tue Jun 19 02:26:51 CEST 2007

On Tue, 19 Jun 2007 12:41 am, Mauricio Piacentini wrote:
> Dmitry Suzdalev wrote:
> > After your message, Ian, I was thinking about adding size grips to the
> > games I maintain.
> > Well, Matt is right, I think we should consult some usability person
> > (Aaron, are you reading this?) before adding sizegrips throughout
> > kdegames...
> +1 here, I believe Ian's observation should be extended too all KDE apps
> that have status bars. This is probably something to be raised during
> aKademy.
Thanks for the wave of support, guys.  I was about to give up on this
small but helpful feature.  I won't be at aKademy, unfortunately.  So
who with or where should I pursue this issue further?

BTW, there is another way to do resizing handles - not depending on
the presence or absence of a status bar.  That is as separate widgets
tacked onto the window frame by the window manager, as was done
in X OpenWindows around 1991.

There were four resize handles, one on each corner: L-shaped
pieces, like corner-protectors on a picture frame.  They were a bit
thicker than the frame itself, to make them easy to hit, and projected
a little way outside the frame, IIRC, so as not to hide any of the
window contents.  Apologies for the history lesson ...

Yours dinosaurially, Ian W. :-)

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