[Kde-games-devel] Size grips

Ian Wadham ianw2 at optusnet.com.au
Tue Jun 12 07:54:48 CEST 2007

One line of code (see QStatusBar class) will add a triangular size
grip to the bottom right-hand corner of the status bar.

Now that all our games are going to be resizeable, I think all games
should have a size grip, because:

- It gives an indication that the game is now resizeable, where the
   previous version (KDE 3) might not have been.

- It is a much easier and quicker target to hit with the mouse than
   the bottom RH corner of the window frame is, especially for
   someone with poor eyesight or not-so-good fine-motor-skills
   (I am continually missing the window frame and doing something
   unintentional in the window or desktop underneath).

I have put size grips on KGoldrunner and KJumpincCube for now.
Recently somebody deleted the one on KGoldrunner on the grounds
of "consistency" with other games, but as I said above I think all
games should have a size grip.  What do others think?

If the consensus is not to have them and there are good reasons
for that, I will happily remove mine.  However, I do not subscribe to
the view that features should be removed just because other games
do not have them.

But please don't get me wrong.  I have been a champion of
consistency in UIs since the 1970s.  Back then there was not even
any agreement on how to terminate programs (or Quit) ... now that
was a *real* problem for end-users and the support people.

So, to size grip or not to size grip?

Cheers, Ian W.

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