[Kde-games-devel] Faster KGameThemeSelector startup

Dmitry Suzdalev dimsuz at gmail.com
Fri Jun 1 13:35:13 CEST 2007

Hi, guys!

While playing with KGameThemeSelector dialog, I noticed that even with
only two themes in it, it starts rather slow.

It turned out, that the faulty piece of code is KGameTheme::load(),
because it checks whether svg file is valid by loading it with
KSvgRenderer. Svg loading is performed only for this check, there are
no further actions with loaded svg.

I know it is a good check, that guarantees further success to games
that use KGameTheme, but isn't it too heavy? :)

While starting, KGameThemeSelector is calling KGameTheme::load on every
theme it finds, so just imagine how long it'll take to display this
dialog if a game has say 10 themes.

What I propose is to replace KSvgRenderer->load(...) with simple and
fast QFile::open(...) to test if file exists and can be opened
(i.e. file permissions are permittable ;-) )
And the check for SVG validity can be done in application itself,
which uses KSvgRenderer::load & friends anyway.

Mauricio, what do you think as KGameTheme's author?
Simple patch attached.
Any objections against me committing it?

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