[Kde-games-devel] KGameDifficulty

Nicolas Roffet nicolas-kde at roffet.com
Fri Jul 27 12:06:42 CEST 2007

Le vendredi 27 juillet 2007, Johann Ollivier Lapeyre a écrit :
> > Also how well does the Easy/Hard meaning (as
> > difficulty) carry over into other languages?  Maybe a label is needed?
> An issue with a label here, it could be take for a status thing by itself
> (or put the "Difficulty: " inside the combo), and overload the status. I
> don't think this is need anymore with the difficulty icon, which is
> meaningfull on purpose.

Note that there is a tooltip with the text "Difficulty" (and also a "What's 
this?") over the combobox. So if you don't know what it is and put the mouse 
over it a few seconds, you should get an answer.

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