[Kde-games-devel] Usability review and advice for kdegames

Dmitry Suzdalev dimsuz at gmail.com
Wed Jul 25 10:40:52 CEST 2007

2007/7/25, Nicolas Roffet <nicolas-kde at roffet.com>:
> Thanks a lot Mauricio for this great e-mail. I'm looking forward to see the
> comments... :)
+1. No. +10

> I have small change requests concerning KMines and KGamePopupItem: the
> message
> is in the middle of the window and hides an important part of the board.
> It's
> a bit annoying because at this moment, the player wants to see the solution,
Well, It should disappear in a few seconds...

> (= where the mines actually are...)
>  - Could we have the message on the corner? (Like in KBlackBox ,o) )
Personally I'd like to show "GAME OVER" in center :)
Well, even if I place it in the corner it still may hover some mines -
only the corner ones :).

>  - Could it be possible to click on it to hide it instantly (before the end
> of
> the timer)?
I guess no. KGamePopupItem is specifically designed not to hide while
it has the mouse above it - that is so user can hover the item and
read whole message without having it disappear.
You think that should be changed?

> YES! :)
+1 ;)


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