[Kde-games-devel] Module policy for kdegames4

Jaison Lee lee.jaison at gmail.com
Tue Jan 30 23:26:12 CET 2007

> > Is this the game otherwise known as the French Polytechnic School
> > Game?  ... where you take turns to draw an edge to join two corners and
> > anyone who draws the fourth edge of a square wins that square and gets
> > an extra turn?  If so, I'd say it would be more than welcome.  FPSG is
> > a classic game and quite tricky (I first played it in my squared-paper
> > arithmetic exercise book :-)).  It is also covered in classic texts on the
> > maths of games and puzzles.
> Yes, it sounds very much like the same game. It's called all manner of names
> but I've always called it squares and I get to name the program :).
> So, what's the process of getting it moved into the module? Who's the module
> maintainer as I guess I should email them?
> Does anyone else have any thoughts?

Kulow is the "module maintainer" but he's not going to care. He views
the position as little more than just a contact person. Last I checked
he's not even subscribed to this list. :)  I'm sure he wouldn't mind
if someone wanted to take over the job, and I think it would be nice
to have someone more involved.

Personally, I think if a program passes all technical concerns about
the code it should be added gladly because I think each new program
enhances KDE. This viewpoint is NOT shared by others however, who feel
only programs of a certain quasi-defined merit should be added. (This
is something that I have recently had some measure of conclusionless
public debate about, which is why I haven't eagerly jumped in to this
thread.) The reality is the viewpoint that is going to win out is
probably going to be the one that is shared by the highest number of
contributors that get paid for their work, and at this time that would
place me on the losing side.

What exactly this means for this program and its future I have no
idea. Apparently a program should have some sort of merit for being in
a KDE core module, but I'm not really certain how you can determine
that. Maybe you just have to make something up that sounds good to
people with kde.org mailing addresses.

At any rate, you should certainly make sure that the program does not
have any outstanding Krazy Code Checker problems (see
kdesdk/ebn/krazy), and that the code is written in a KDE-style manner
(0 for NULL and whatnot) to help make sure there aren't any technical
reasons against its inclusion.

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