[Kde-games-devel] KSpaceDuel SVG port done!

Branan Riley branan at gmail.com
Tue Feb 13 19:09:03 CET 2007

I've finished the basic port to SVG graphics for the sprites. That includes:
-- The sun
-- The ships
-- powerups
-- bullets
-- mines
-- explosions

For now, the PNG images should probably stay in the SVN, so that the artists 
have some sort of reference. 

The explosions are only two frames currently, and everything else could also 
use some work. I tried to make my base images about the same size as the 
originals. Everything's using the Oxygen palette so far. The background still 
uses the old PNG, but I figured

There is still an issue with player 2 (The blue player) starting in a 
different orbit than the red player, and crashing into the sun. I've started 
looking into that, but for now I think adding another game to the list that 
use SVG graphics is a pretty good thing!

There was an issue with the objects (sun, players, etc.) not re-centering 
until one frame after a scale (meaning if it was paused, things wouldn't 
re-center properly). I seem to have accidently fixed that as well. I really 
don't know how I did it though. It might have something to do with the port 
to SVG. I intend to replace the behavior with scaling of sprites etc, but for 
now the current behavior works.

I've also decided that, unless there are any objections, I'd be willing to 
take over maintainership of KSpaceDuel, as the site still says it needs a 

I've attached the patch and sample SVG file, could someone with commit access 
look over them and commit? I'm going to request a subversion account, but 
this is ready to be committed, no sense stalling it.

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