[Kde-games-devel] Oxygen (was Re: KMines SVG)

Johann Ollivier Lapeyre johann.ollivierlapeyre at gmail.com
Tue Feb 13 15:18:58 CET 2007

 I'm not thinking oxygen's basics rules are hard too follow (colors,
light...) and i don't want to become a "gardian of the temple".

We (and myself in) are already using many non-oxygen color for many things
(to make gold, steal, ...), because it is justified. It was done in oxygen
icons too for specific case too. But make a "top-right" light and not a
"top-left" light ,  or use a oxygen's blue ( there are 12 blues available)
on *new artwork* is not so hard. There is not cost to do it.

As an example, it is next-to-impossible to
> make an Oxygen KTuberling.


Some of the guidelines regarding color usage
> and shadows were imo defined with icons in mind, and do not translate as
> perfectly to design of game elements.

for color, we can easily. For shaddow, there are nothing for us: there are
rules for action icons (...), but for game, we have to find our way. And i
like the kreversi shadow way to do, especially with the high detailled
background i plan to use.

I believe this is something we probably need to discuss in more depth,
> maybe in the next IRC meeting?

why not.

  Kpat cardsets
> for example do not follow the Oxygen palette, and it probably makes no
> sense to do so.

yes.  It could be nice to have one, but a really stupid idea to spend a lot
of  time to make it true now, with still 18 uglys games to SVGize, kdeedu
and others KDE elements everywhere. not before kde 4.3 ;)

I'm only thinking about new artwork here, when we are starting from blank.
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