[Kde-games-devel] SVGization

Mauricio Piacentini mauricio at tabuleiro.com
Thu Feb 8 23:16:47 CET 2007

Ian wrote:
> As i see, the missing part in the SVG file is the runner (and badguy),
> > isn't it?
> >
>>Yes.  Mauricio?
> Sounds great ... :-)  Could we fit Konqui and the knights inside
>> there Mauricio?

I am having some fun with the runner animation, but it is still a few 
steps from finished. I had these ideas of using Konqi as the runner, and 
some knights chasing it, and we talked about it a couple of months ago. 
But at this time I am not sure it will look good in the small sprite 
size at which KGoldrunner is rendered. The Konqi we have (with skeleton) 
is fully 3D, very nice, but one would have to adapt it to look good in 
vectorial format, frame by frame. I am afraid it is a bit too much for 
my artistic capabilities as a first draft, and Konqi is controversial as 

But still, I was sketching up the runner animation, and now I am 
beginning to feel happy with it. It is difficult to run in 4 frame 
cycles (8 if you count both legs), but check a screen capture (required 
Flash) at


Please notice that the frames in camera view are a bit too spaced 
compared with what they will be in the final composition (no overlap), 
and of course it is a sketch. But in the preview window you can see how 
the movement is shaping up nicely, imo. It still needs some adjustments 
as it is too bumpy, but the basic positions are there.

To make it work in SVG I am thinking about dismembering the runner, (leg 
parts, head, three sections for each arm) and animating the pieces with 
rotation and some stretching to match this layout. My objective is to 
have it looking more or less (in size and level of detail, and hopefully 
animation fluidity) like the Another World hero, do you remember him?


Let me know how you feel about this route, Ian. I believe having a good 
running cycle and the first runner will also open up the space for other 
people to produce variations, and maybe even the Konqi one.

Mauricio Piacentini

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