[Kde-games-devel] Module policy for kdegames4

Kleag kleag at free.fr
Thu Feb 1 22:16:48 CET 2007

Le jeudi 1 février 2007 22:04, Mauricio Piacentini a écrit :
> I was actually trying to implement a different behavior in KMahjongg,
> where choosing NEW GAME would display a selection of different board
> layouts to the user. I have watched some people play and some do no
> "get" the scheme of having to choose a layout as a game configuration
> option. But I see that the issue is a bit different compared with
> KSquares, as each layout in KMahjongg can really be considered a
> different "game", depending on how you view it. Almost all mahjongg
> solitaire titles (including the old Shanghai and the new MS Vista
> implementation) also behave in a similar way.
> But the solution I was considering was to have two options: NEW GAME,
> which would display a dialog box letting you choose a layout, with the
> last played one selected by default, and NEW QUICK GAME, which would
You could also do like in choice dialogs: include a "do not show 
again/remember my choice" check box, reinitializable in the preferences...



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