[Kde-games-devel] A simple svg optimizer

Riccardo Iaconelli riccardo at kde.org
Sun Dec 23 00:03:12 CET 2007

On Wednesday 19 December 2007 22:25:28 Eugene Trounev wrote:
> You do of course realize that at some point all of that data will be
> streamed via KNS... And then each Byte will count (read slow connections).

Well, a 7% save on an SVG file (that is *huge* when it's >1MB) at the cost of 
destroying all the metadata on the layers, and some subpixel perfection 
(which is one of the Oxygen gems) is something which is not going to get my 
support. I like the work Luciano is doing, but please do not extremize. =)

As per subpixel perfection, think of the 16x16 device icon with the small 
globe on it. It *needs* all the decimals to keep all its beauty when 
modifying it with inkscape. ;-)

Ah, btw, I would try not to do a too agressive compression to keep the loading 
times low, that's more important probably.

> As for the files - they are still SVG files, which you can open and edit in
> Inkscape. As for the layers - those are not important. As a matter of fact,
> the most Plasma artist use Adobe Illustrator, which makes the files dirty
> and ugly (internally) and totally unreadable in Inkscape (read no layers,
> lost variables/gradients/settings/styles all over the place).

Hu?!? WhatWhatWhat?!?
What's that? Only davigno (which does not do anything for plasma, except a 
mock he did for krunner) uses in the early part of his drawing Illustrator, 
where he creates a basic file with shapes which then convert in plain SVG 
with inkscape, continuing working in there! And he is the lonely only 
one. ;-)
Pinheiro is an inkscape purist, just like me and you. :D

> So I don't 
> see any harm in optimizing the data.

So do I, if they do not destroy important data (see what Mauricio said).

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